UIC Break Through Tech Team

University of Illinois Chicago students advance creation of quantum materials through Q-NEXT program


A leading intellectual hub for quantum technologies

The Chicago Quantum Exchange advances the science and engineering of quantum information, trains the future quantum workforce, and drives the quantum economy by connecting top universities, national labs, and industry partners. The recipient of millions of dollars in government and corporate investment and home to some of the world’s top experts in the field, the Midwest-based CQE community is a central driver of US leadership in quantum technologies.

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Learn what quantum technology is -- and why it matters

Northwestern Engineering Magazine: Going Quantum

Northwestern Engineering researchers are collaborating to harness the extraordinary phenomena that underlie the origin and structure of the universe.

Wall Street Journal on how Chicago region's quantum tech effort could create an 'updated model for economic development'

"We have a right to win quantum," CQE CEO Kate Timmerman said of the Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana quantum community. "We see the gaps that normally prevent this region from becoming an innovation ecosystem, and we’re intentionally trying to fill them."

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