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Northwestern University engineers perform first demonstration of quantum teleportation over busy Internet cables


A leading intellectual hub for quantum technologies

The Chicago Quantum Exchange advances the science and engineering of quantum information, prepares the quantum workforce, and drives the quantum economy by connecting top universities, national labs, and industry partners. The recipient of millions of dollars in government and corporate investment and home to some of the world’s top experts in the field, the Midwest-based CQE community is a central driver of US leadership in quantum technologies.

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Diamond Manufacturer WD Advanced Materials Joins the Chicago Quantum Exchange

WD Advanced Materials, LLC (WDAM), a material science company and large-scale manufacturer of lab-grown diamond substrates and thin films, has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange as a corporate partner.

From Rivets to Qubits

Sean Sullivan's great grandfathers, grandfather, uncles and aunts worked at the U.S. Steel South Works mill before it closed 30 years ago. Now the co-founder and CTO of quantum tech company memQ, he plans to bring his work to the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park being built on the same site.

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