Three researchers smiling in front of a dilution refrigerator- a complex device that cools quantum systems for experimentation and different applications.


Job Opportunities

Join the Chicago Quantum Exchange community to advance research efforts and developments in quantum science and engineering. Information about each CQE member institution and select job postings can be found below. For internship opportunities at CQE member and partner institutions, visit our internships page.

If you are a CQE member or partner - or an employer in the region - and have a specific job opportunity you would like us to include here, please use this form.

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Job Opportunities

Description: The Materials Science Division (MSD) of Argonne National Laboratory is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral appointee in experimental x-ray and materials science. Although exceptional candidates in these fields will be considered, particular emphasis will be placed on crystal growth of wide bandgap materials by chemical vapor deposition and in-situ x-ray measurements at synchrotron sources. This postdoctoral position in the Coherent and Ultrafast X-ray Scattering group in MSD (led by Stephan Hruszkewycz) is supported by the Q-NEXT center, which focuses on how to reliably control, store and transmit quantum information.

How to apply: Learn more

Description:  Blanqet is a new company that is focused on shaping the future of cryptography in a quantum world. Current members include faculty from Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Law at the University of Chicago and Penn State University. Blanqet is looking to hire several researchers to join their Chicago based team for periods of one to three years with the potential for longer employment. Their focus is on imaginative individuals who are devoted to both research and its practical realization. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to, cryptography, quantum and post-quantum cryptography, computer security, computational algebra and number theory. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work alongside other researchers at Blanqet and at the nearby University of Chicago.  Joint academic affiliations with the University of Chicago are possible when appropriate.

How to apply: Applicants are expected to have (or expect to soon have) a Ph.D. in computer science, mathematics, physics or a related area. To apply, submit a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications), and a brief description of your research interests (description of research interests not to exceed two pages, more or less, and arrange for three letters of reference. Applications and letters should be sent via email to They will make offers on a rolling basis with flexibility as to the start date.

Description: The Regional Innovation Officer (RIO) leads The Bloch, including developing and executing strategic, governance, and reporting functions to rally entire sectors around leveraging quantum information science and technology for societal challenges. The RIO brings critical industries and quantum technologists together to build large-scale solutions to global problems in the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area. The RIO also leads the CQE’s Industry Partnerships team, a primary driver of The Bloch’s work, including overseeing more than 40 corporate partners and the CQE assistant director of Industry Partnerships.

How to apply: Apply here. 

Description: The Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials is looking for two postdoctoral researchers to join the development teams located at Argonne National Laboratory and University of California, Davis. Excellent candidates are sought with experience in the development of complex scientific software architectures to support algorithmic development for GPU programming and code development/optimization for high performance architectures. The codes to be ported to GPUs are the WEST code for electronic structure calculations, and the Qbox code for molecular dynamics. The postdoctoral researchers will work with a team of 10+ PhDs/postdocs contributing to the development of codes currently supported by MICCoM.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: The Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials at Argonne National Laboratory is looking for a postdoctoral candidate to perform research on the use of machine learning in electronic structure calculations. The postdoctoral researcher will work within the groups of Professor Giulia Galli and Dr. Maria Chan on developing and applying algorithms and software for the use of machine learning techniques to accelerate the computation of electronic structure and phonon properties. Applicants should have expertise in some of the following: Density functional theory modeling of materials, use of machine learning approaches for computational materials problems, development and implementation of algorithms and software for materials modeling, and high-performance and parallel computing.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: The newly launched Center for Network Dynamics at Northwestern University is actively seeking postdoctoral research applicants interested in complex systems and networks. We welcome applications from individuals with expertise in various aspects of network theory, including quantum network science. The projects are theoretical and computational but benefit from empirical data and close collaborations with experimental colleagues. If you are passionate about advancing the understanding of quantum network systems and their applications, we encourage you to apply to join our dynamic research team.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in the group of Professor Yong P. Chen, the Quantum Matter and Devices (QMD) Laboratory affiliated with Purdue Physics, ECE, Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute and Birck Nanotechnology Center. Candidates with strong background in experimental research in one of the following areas/topics are welcome:

  1. Experimental condensed matter/nano physics & quantum devices: especially solid state quantum devices, quatum computing and quantum sensing (e.g., superconducting Josephson junctions, spin qubits, NV centers);
  2. Experimental AMO physics and quantum optics: such as cold atom physics, quantum optics & photonics

How to apply: Please send CV to

Description: A postdoctoral position is currently available in Purdue University Professor Qi Zhou's group. Candidates with an interest in the general areas of ultracold atoms, condensed matter physics, and quantum information are encouraged to apply.

How to apply: Please contact Proessor Qi Zhou directly at

Description: The group of Prof. Leonid Rokhinson at Purdue University, has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to work on various topics related to the realization of topological superconductivity. Our group developed a technique to form helical channels in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime; one of the projects involves development of superconducting contacts to high mobility two-dimensional gases and realization of a high-order topological superconductor. Another project involves collaborative research between several groups within the Quantum Science Center (a DOE center led by the Oakridge National Laboratory) to demonstrate non-Abelian statistics using topological insulator/superconductor heterostructures. A strong background in superconductivity and semiconductor physics is essential; experience with cryogenics, electron transport and nanofabrication technology will be advantageous.

How to apply: A potential candidate is expected to supervise and work closely with graduate and undergraduate students. Contact Prof. Rokhinson at Learn more

Description: The College of Engineering and Sciences (CES), Purdue University Northwest (PNW) invites applications for tenure-track positions in the Department of Computer Science, with 9-month academic appointments at the level of assistant professor, beginning Fall 2025. PNW anticipates hiring multiple faculty if qualified applicants are determined through the search process. The position is open to all research areas in computer science, including quantum computing.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: Qolab is recruiting fabrication engineers for the development of utility-scale quantum computers based on superconducting integrated circuits. Our team partners with the best in the world in specific domain areas to engineer robust systems that are compatible with beyond-classical applications of superconducting qubit arrays. We use a deep understanding of the underlying physics to develop proprietary fabrication processes that are implemented by  our partner Applied Materials, the world leader in development of advanced tooling for the semiconductor industry. The position is based in Madison, WI and involves both a significant amount of device fabrication using cleanroom facilities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as process development work with the Applied Materials team. Experience working in a professional fabrication facility is required. Experience fabricating superconducting devices and familiarity with 300 mm foundries is desired. Deep expertise in lithography, thin-film deposition and etching, and metrology is also helpful. 

How to apply: Apply here.

Description: Qolab is recruiting quantum hardware scientists and engineers to join a new enterprise focused on the development of utility-scale superconducting quantum computers. Qolab partners with the best in the world in specific domain areas - state-of-the-art device fabrication, high-speed control electronics, and high-performance computing - to engineer robust systems that are compatible with near-term beyond classical applications and ultimately with full fault tolerance. The first priority at Qolab is to improve qubit coherence using a deep understanding of the underlying physics to develop proprietary fabrication processes that are now being implemented with Qolab partner Applied Materials, the world leader in development of advanced tooling for the semiconductor industry.  The founders of Qolab are Alan Ho (CEO), John Martinis (CTO) and Robert McDermott (Head of Hardware).  

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Madison, WI

Description: Quantopticon is a British-American software start-up developing an automated simulation platform for the design and optimisation of quantum-photonic components, systems and devices. Quantopticon was founded in 2017 by Dr Gaby Slavcheva, a renowned international leader in the theory and modelling of light-matter interactions in quantum nanostructures, and Dr Mirella Koleva, an optics and photonics scientist and entrepreneur. The overarching goal at Quantopticon is to accelerate the design cycle of quantum-photonic devices, maximize their performance, and unlock the path to large-volume manufacturing. Quantopticon is seeking a Business Development Director with a strong commercial, technical and enterprise scale-up background to lead Quantopticon into the next phase of growth. The ideal candidate should have a strong knowledge and understanding of photonics and/or quantum. This position is located in Chicago, IL. 

How to apply: Submit a CV/resumé and cover letter to Dr Mirella Koleva at Learn more here

Description: The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME), as part of a cluster hire in quantum science at the University of Chicago, has openings in both theoretical and experimental quantum science and engineering at the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to) quantum information, quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum error correction, quantum mechanical materials modelling, quantum optics and quantum simulation. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

How to apply: Candidates should apply online through the University of Chicago's Interfolio website, for either a theoretical faculty position or an experimental faculty position

Description: The Department of Physics at the University of Chicago, together with the James Franck Institute, is conducting a search at the ranks of tenure-track Assistant and Associate Professor. The search is open to all subfields of experimental Quantum Science, including Quantum Materials (hard condensed matter), and atomic molecular and optical physics. The Department will consider multiple appointments. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. 

How to apply: Candidates should apply online through the University of Chicago's Interfolio website, for either Assistant Professor or Associate Professor

Description: The High Lab at UChicago has an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to develop novel methods for silicon carbide (SiC) membrane generation for applications in microelectronics and quantum technologies. The research will explore chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of mixed SiC polytype heterostructures and other advanced material growth and fabrication techniques. The successful candidate will work closely with collaborators at Argonne National Laboratory to leverage a novel hard X-ray compatible SiC CVD instrument developed to characterize material growth in real time. The candidate will also work closely with scientists in the Quantum Foundry. There will be an opportunity to carry out some of the first experiments at the upgraded Advanced Photon Source (APS) to understand the structural and thermodynamic levers driving SiC heteropolytypism. Candidates with a background in any of the following are encouraged to apply: thin film synthesis (especially CVD), nanofabrication, wide bandgap electronics, and electrochemistry. Candidates should also be familiar with materials characterization tools, including Raman spectroscopy and XRD.

How to apply: Interested candidates should send a full CV and statement of interest to Alex at and Katherine Harmon at

Description: A position is available in the group of Giulia Galli at the University of Chicago for a postdoctoral scholar focusing on the study of quantum materials for energy efficient neuromorphic computing. The DOE-funded project, which is part of the Energy Frontier Research Center QMEENC (, will be under the direction of Prof. Giulia Galli and will be in close collaboration with experimental colleagues at the University of California, San Diego and with other QMEENC participants. Further information on related research activities in the group is available at Excellent candidates with a background in solid-state chemistry/physics and first-principles simulations of materials are invited to apply. Major duties and responsibilities include the use of advanced electronic structure methods and quantum simulations to model the properties of complex oxides. 

How to apply: Interested candidates should submit: 1) A full CV, including list of publications and contacts for at least two references. 2) A cover letter of intent to Giulia Galli at, with “Postdoctoral application: Neurom.” in the subject line (PDF attachments only). More information can be found here

Description: The Gagliardi Group at the University of Chicago is hiring one or two postdoctoral associates who will be working in collaboration with Dr. Mario Motta at IBM on “Localized Quantum Chemistry Algorithms for Quantum Computers”. The focus will be on the localized active space self-consistent field (LASSCF) method, which models strong, localized electron correlation within specific fragments while treating inter-fragment correlation using a mean-field approach. LASSCF will be integrated with use sample-based quantum diagonalization (SQD), recently developed by IBM and collaborators. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in electronic structure theory, algorithmic development and quantum computing.

How to apply: Please send your applications to Professor Laura Gagliardi at the University of Chicago,

Description: The Anderson lab is seeking for thoughtful, motivated, and diverse graduate students to join and help build a vibrant research effort and inclusive group culture at Illinois. Prof. Chris Anderson has openings for PhD graduate research assistants and postdoctoral fellows in Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, and Electrical Engineering with interest in quantum science and technology. The Anderson lab is a new group at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and works towards building the world’s first quantum internet by harnessing the properties of emerging materials, single photons, and electron spins. Chris also values thoughtfully mentoring and supporting students from all backgrounds. No previous quantum research experience is required.

How to apply: To apply, contact

Description: The Anderson lab is seeking for thoughtful, motivated, and diverse postdocs to join and help build a vibrant research effort and inclusive group culture at Illinois. The Anderson lab is a new group at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and works towards building the world’s first quantum internet by harnessing the properties of emerging materials, single photons, and electron spins. This new internet has the potential to scale-up quantum computers, provide unhackable communications, and to build powerful, distributed quantum sensors. No previous quantum research experience is required.

How to apply: To apply, contact

Description: The KouBit Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has multiple postdoc positions available for experimental research on novel superconducting qubits. We have positions available for developing protected qubits using Al-based superconducting devices, investigating semiconductor-superconductor hybrid qubits, and developing scanning probes using superconducting devices. Experience with microwave frequency and/or cold-temperature measurements is beneficial for this position.

How to apply: To apply, email Angela Kou at

Description: The Goldsmith Group at University of Wisconsin-Madison is hiring for multiple Postdoctoral positions. Research Scientist position are currently available for scientists interested in: Nanophotonics, Topological Photonics, Low-Temperature Molecular Spectroscopy, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) for Photonics, and Single-Molecule Biophysics.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: The Saffman Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has an immediate postdoctoral position available for experimental studies of quantum error correction with neutral atom qubit arrays.

How to apply: To apply, email Mark Saffman at

Description: The Department of Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of experimental atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics beginning fall 2025. The Department of Physics has a strong experimental AMO physics group with experiments on quantum manipulations of neutral atoms, quantum sensors, and quantum optics, plus closely related theoretical and experimental efforts in quantum devices including quantum dots and superconductors. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with existing quantum and AMO research at UW-Madison, within the Wisconsin Quantum Institute (WQI) and the HQAN and Q-NEXT quantum centers, and with external research centers. 

How to apply: Learn more

Description: The Otten Lab at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Department of Physics is seeking highly motivated individuals to apply for multiple Postdoctoral Research Associate positions starting Fall 2025 or sooner. Successful candidates will engage in theoretical and computational research aimed at accelerating the realization of utility-scale quantum computers, networks, and sensors. This role offers a unique opportunity to work within a collaborative environment, partnering with academic institutions, national laboratories, leading technology companies, and innovative startups.

How to apply: Please apply at 

Description: The Plourde research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has an opening for a postdoctoral research scientist to work on a variety of experimental projects involving superconducting quantum circuits. Some of the ongoing experiments include studying various decoherence mechanisms in superconducting qubit arrays as well as developing superconducting quantum sensors for rare event detection. The successful candidate will have experience in one or more of the following areas: microfabrication of thin-film devices, operation of cryogenic systems at millikelvin temperatures, control and measurement of quantum coherent systems. 

How to apply: Please send a CV and list of 3 references to Professor Britton Plourde,

Description: The Friesen research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has an opening for a research associate (a postdoc) to work on projects related to the theory of semiconductor quantum dot qubits. Current topics include valley splitting in silicon qubits, random-alloy disorder in Si and Ge qubits, spin shuttling, “hot” qubits and the effects of radiation on qubit operation. Our work typically involves both analytical calculations and numerical simulations. Candidates should have a PhD in condensed matter theory or materials science. A strong preference is given for expertise in quantum computing and qubit science.

How to apply: Please send a CV and list of three references to Mark Friesen,

Description: This is a collaborative project between Ashoka University and Dirac Labs, funded by the United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund. Join our fast-paced, research-focused team led by Prof. Debayan Gupta and dedicated towards developing advanced algorithms and techniques for real-time positioning and navigation using multi-sensor data.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Ashoka University, NCR, Sonipat, Haryana, India

Description: Dirac Labs is revolutionizing navigation with cutting-edge technologies designed to be robust against blocking and spoofing. By integrating advanced quantum sensors with machine learning, Dirac Labs accurately determines position using the Earth’s magnetic field—offering a reliable, precise, and independent positioning solution. You will be a part of a small, fast-paced, research-focused team developing electronics for real-time positioning and navigation systems using quantum sensors.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Description: The Process Technician provides hands-on assistance in carrying out one or more processes used to fabricate current and develop new high-performance crystalline diamond materials. This position can be part-time or full-time.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: East Lansing or Lansing, MI

Description: HRL Laboratories, LLC in Malibu, CA is recruiting outstanding scientists and engineers for exciting long-term projects at the frontier of quantum science and technology. In particular, HRL seeks candidates who want to work in an industrial laboratory setting on research and development of spin-qubit devices operated at cryogenic temperatures for quantum computing applications, and in the fields of cavity optomechanics, atomic physics, or quantum optics for the design and prototype of the next generation of sensing and timing instruments. Individuals at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. level who have completed rigorous training in physics, applied physics, computer science, electrical engineering, or related fields are encouraged to apply to join the team at HRL. A variety of positions are available in areas including CAD layout, semiconductor device design, electron microscopy and failure analysis, and data-driven yield engineering. Experience with semiconductor nanofabrication processes and data analysis is desired.   

How to apply: Visit for more information and follow links to open positions.

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: HRL is seeking a Ph.D.-level theoretical/computational staff scientist to evaluate the potential performance and application viability of quantum networks, in the contexts of distributed quantum computation, quantum communication, and/or quantum sensing.  This will involve significant computational work, as well as mathematical analysis, for the numerical evaluation of systems intended to distribute photonic and microwave entanglement.  We are looking for candidates keen to work collaboratively, both with our partners (e.g. Q-NEXT) as well as internally with experimentalists. This is in addition to other open roles for theorists, experimentalists, software developers, and engineers available at

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: HRL seeks Ph.D. or post-doctoral-level candidates ready to apply their knowledge of theoretical solid-state physics and quantum/many-body system simulations to solid-state multiqubit devices, and/or to apply quantum information theory to realistic qubit arrays.  Background in materials or device modeling, especially electronic structure or multiphysics simulations, and/or experience developing and running complex scientific codes in quantum or other contexts is desired. Internships in this area will also be considered for highly motivated candidates at any time. 

How to apply: Visit for more information and follow links to open positions. 

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: HRL is hiring software engineers of all disciplines, including compiler developers, scientific programmers, data architects, web developers, and low-level firmware developers. Programming skill is our highest priority, regardless of academic or industrial background. Experience with different programming languages and paradigms preferred, and knowledge of theoretical computer science is a plus.  

How to apply: Candidates should write to Robert Smith at with an introductory letter and resume to be fast-tracked.

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: We’re looking for someone to join a team committed to understanding and improving the operation of quantum-dot-based spin qubit systems by working at the forefront of advanced spin qubit measurements.

This research staff member will be contributing to the design, analysis and validation of complex broadband assemblies, with a focus on signal integrity (SI) and electromagnetic (EM) effects used to control highly complex Quantum Systems. Work closely with other domain experts performing related functional analyses (e.g. packaging design and analysis, circuit design, thermal/mechanical analysis, etc.).

How to apply: Read more

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: Be a main contributor toward the development of cryogenic hardware supporting spin qubit devices and testing relevant environmental control requirements. Must be able to lead cryogenic design and associated cryogenic measurements by understanding all system requirements and how they translate to hardware requirements. If requirements are unknown, individual must be able to develop an experimental plan and lead the successful execution. All of this should be completed through proper data analysis, modeling, and assimilating historical understanding. Must be able to work with a dynamic integrated engineering team and collaborate with others in constructive manner. Individual must have experience in technical communications to other team members or management via oral presentations, written reports and journal publications.

How to apply: Read more

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: Conduct low-noise, cryogenic experiments on sensitive spin qubit devices, develop new measurement techniques and methods, analyze results, write script level code to support experimental development and data analysis, report findings to other team members in oral presentations and written reports, analyze measurement results through application of relevant theory and modeling to define approaches for further device improvements in performance and/or yield. Collaborate with measurement-system-engineering team and utilize applicable engineering analysis tools to identify and implement improvements to qubit-control, interconnect, and environmental subsystems.

How to apply: Read more

Location: Malibu, CA

Description: At PsiQuantum we are developing and testing prototype modules which will scale into a datacenter-sized, fault-tolerant quantum computer. Modules, or subsystems, of this computer are designed to generate entangled states of photons that, when scaled up and networked together, collectively enable quantum error correction and quantum algorithms. The Manager of Quantum Subsystem Validation will lead a focused team to validate the performance of one or more fully integrated quantum subsystems, including photonic, optic, cryogenic, electronic, electro-optical, firmware, and software aspects. The team will plan and execute design validation testing of the subsystem, define and validate automated calibration and self-test functions, and develop novel quantum characterization, verification, and validation techniques for photonic qubit states.

How to apply: Learn more  

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Description: The quantum architecture team at PsiQuantum develops and evaluates high-level designs for fault-tolerant photonic quantum computers. It is critical that these designs are evaluated using models that capture all important sources of error without precluding simulation of large-scale systems. We are expanding our team that develops and refines these models. The ideal candidate will have a background in physics with some exposure to quantum information, quantum error correction and quantum optics. Proficiency with Python (or similar) and experience managing codebases is required.  

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (preferred), Remote (considered)

Description: Quantum architects research and develop architectures for fault tolerant photonic quantum computers, in particular methods for entanglement generation and error correction. Quantum architects in the Simulation team focus on building and running simulations to evaluate the performance of such methods and their integration into a full stack architecture. We are looking for a research software engineer or computational physicist to drive the development of the internal software tools and computational techniques used in our simulation efforts, in close collaboration with other technical teams. 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Palo Alto, CA (preferred) or Remote (considered)

Description: At PsiQuantum we are developing and deploying exciting new technologies in the pursuit of a fault-tolerant photonic quantum computer. With new capabilities such as ultra-low loss SiN photonics, high-efficiency waveguide-integrated photon number-resolving detectors, and photonic multiplexers, we are moving into new areas of multi-photon quantum optics which have never been accessible to previous hardware. We are seeking an experienced researcher to lead the development of new methods for characterizing photonic states, identifying and diagnosing photonic qubit errors.

How to apply: Learn more 

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Description: We are looking for a high-energy, technology-oriented business development manager for the territory in Central Europe (ideally located in the DACH region), who can recognize opportunities, and turn leads into long-lasting relationships. The ideal candidate has a history of bringing on new business and exceeding sales quotas and loves the challenges that come with outbound prospecting in a competitive, fast-growing market.

As a Scientific Business Development Manager you will have direct and immediate impact on the company’s success by driving sales from end-to-end, owning and managing a significant cohort of customers and opportunities, and delivering the Quantum Machines vision and value proposition with the goal of capturing the market.

How to apply: Please apply at

Location: Germany

Description: We are seeking an enthusiastic quantum physicist with a profound understanding of the rapidly evolving quantum technologies landscape and business-oriented mindset. The ideal candidate will lead the technological aspects of enduring relationships, provide market insights to support product development, and relish the challenges of outbound deep-tech interactions in a competitive, fast-growing market. 

How to apply by location: SingaporeJapan

Description: We are looking for a highly motivated and capable Product Research Physicist. you will join the Product Research team and be responsible for conceiving, planning, and executing experiments on quantum error correction (QEC) and research possible architectures to push the envelope of what is possible in the world of quantum control hardware. The work involves combination of theory and modeling and working in an experimental setting to conceive and execute POCs, solutions and product requirements at scale and in a production environment.

How to apply: Delft, Netherlands 

Description: Seeking an exceptional experimental Physicist who combines deep quantum physics expertise with strong interpersonal skills. In this role, you'll serve as the technical bridge between QM's technology and our customers, ensuring successful implementation, adoption, and continuous utilization of our solutions. This unique position offers unprecedented exposure to diverse qubit types and quantum architectures, enabling you to help customers navigate and implement groundbreaking experiments. You'll be translating emerging capabilities into practical customer applications, directly contributing to the acceleration of quantum computing development. 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: West Coast, US

Description: As a Materials & Process Engineer on the Hardware team at Rigetti, you will develop cutting-edge solutions to enable scaling of quantum computers with improved performance and higher qubit counts. Your work will enable the development of cutting-edge PCB, flexible cables, and custom interconnects and assembly solutions that enable DC and RF signaling to our quantum devices at cryogenic temperatures. You will guide supplier process development and integrate components into the R&D and production release workflows in support of new, cutting-edge quantum computer systems.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Berkeley or Fremont, CA

Description: The Advanced Data Storage and Memory Devices group is responsible for guiding component and system design for the Company’s ten-year product roadmap – providing insight that informs both near term and +100 TB HDD designs. This position will focus on research into advanced recording heads, media, and system designs for high-capacity hard drives. Leveraging of AI/ML tools will be expected for accelerating design and understanding of physical mechanisms.

How to apply: Learn more

Description: TOPTICA is always striving to reach our goal of providing “All Wavelengths” for our customers, and TOPTICA's 500+ employees take pride in developing customized systems. In close collaboration with several universities and institutes, the latest scientific discoveries are frequently incorporated into commercial products. As the Laser Development Scientist, you will be responsible for a wide range of responsibilities related to existing TOPTICA and future product lines developed and manufactured by the United States production team. This position will be contributing to the design and specification of products from research and development stage to engineering plan stage to product manufacturability. Our Laser Development Scientist will be working as a member of our TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. Americas design team.

How to apply: Email 

Description: The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Sales Manager will develop and implement financially sound strategic plans for growing new customer relationships within the photonics market in North America as well as globally. Analytic skills, communication skills, customer service skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork and sales knowledge skills are required in our highly challenging tech-push environment.

How to apply: Please send your resume, cover letter, and expected start date to

Location: Rochester, NY and Munich, Germany

Description: The Laser Development Scientist will be responsible for a wide range of responsibilities related to existing TOPTICA and future product lines developed and manufactured by the United States production team. Skills with skills in electronics and/or software for controls required. Experience with optical parametric oscillators and/or integrated photonics strongly preferred. Unrestricted right to work in the United States. 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Rochester, NY

Description: We are seeking a Technical Engagement Manager to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing and driving technical engagements with our clients and partners. This role requires a combination of technical expertise, project management skills, and excellent communication abilities. You will work closely with the Head of Product, as well as the research and hardware teams to position and evangelize the products for customers and partners and provide guidance on the value proposition and benefit those customers and partners can achieve with our services and platforms. The Technical Engagement Manager will act as a bridge between our engineering teams and external stakeholders, ensuring successful project delivery and fostering strong relationships.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada 

Description: The successful candidate will work within the photonic integration team to develop cutting-edge passive and active components used throughout Xanadu's fault tolerant architecture. The candidate will take advantage of internally developed cloud simulation pipelines to effectively determine novel design strategies. Particular emphasis will be based on the execution of design of experiments (DOEs), while applying design for manufacturing (DFMs) concepts, exploring performance tradeoffs with Xanadu's 200mm and 300mm fabrication partners. They will gain experience with state-of-the-art foundry processes, while utilizing scalable analysis pipelines to make decisions and close the design loop. The candidate will need to use their deep understanding of analysis and simulation techniques to create sub milli dB loss components. 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada 

Description: In this role, you will be a Quantum Computing Scientist working within our product management team contributing to our flagship Python-based quantum software library PennyLane. Drawing on your technical background, you will be responsible for building and maintaining the product vision for a specific focus area within PennyLane (quantum chemistry, quantum machine learning, high-performance computing, compilation). 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada 

Description: As part of the PennyLane Compilation team, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining JIT and AOT hybrid compilation pipelines for PennyLane, an open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum computing, and quantum chemistry.

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada 

Description: As part of the Xanadu Software Team, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining PennyLane, an open-source framework for quantum machine learning, quantum computing, and quantum chemistry. Further duties include contributing to the development of a quantum cloud platform, and building and designing software and services with PennyLane. The selected candidate must possess the ability to learn advanced scientific and technical concepts quickly and with minimal direction. Strong technical skills and a demonstrated ability to learn new concepts is important for this position. 

How to apply: Learn more

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada