
Corporate Partners

The Chicago Quantum Exchange partners with industry colleagues to accelerate progress in the field of quantum information. Corporate partners collaborate with CQE scientists and expand career opportunities for the next generation of quantum-ready scientists and engineers. Together, they advance technology that can change the world.

The CQE works with each corporate partner to develop individually tailored engagements that fulfill scientific, educational, and industry needs.

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Engaging with Quantum Experts

Corporate partners join a strong community of scientists and trainees that are at the forefront of quantum communication, computing, and sensing. Corporate partners and CQE members co-develop joint workshops, participate in seminars and the annual Chicago Quantum Summit, and engage in discussions that lead to collaborative science and engineering research.

Training Future Quantum Scientists and Engineers

Partners connect with CQE students and trainees, providing them with a deeper understanding of and connections to quantum research and employment opportunities outside of academic and national lab settings. Examples include a partnership with IBM for postdoctoral researchers to work closely with scientists across the CQE to advance quantum research and engineering.

Additional research and education opportunities developed with corporate partners include seminars focused on career development and access to internships.

Core Partners

Corporate Partners


Ally Financial is a leading digital financial-services company working to change the online banking landscape with innovative digital experiences. Ally hopes to explore potential quantum technology use cases in areas such as data security, analytical modeling, and portfolio optimization. 

Applied Materials

Applied Materials, Inc. is the leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. Applied’s expertise in modifying materials at atomic levels and on an industrial scale can help enable technology advancements across a broad range of applications.

Atom Computing

Atom Computing develops quantum computers with nuclear-spin qubits made from optically trapped neutral atoms, is on a mission to build the world’s most scalable and reliable quantum computers.  In July 2021, the company announced its first 100-qubit quantum computer, Phoenix. The company recently announced a $60 million in Series B round, which will enable Atom Computing to build and bring to market their second-generation of quantum computers.


Cisco is the worldwide leader in technology that powers the Internet. The company’s Cisco Research community includes scientists and engineers who are actively involved in designing and constructing a practical quantum network, a cornerstone technology for the future quantum internet. Other products and services include collaboration solutions, security solutions, wireless and mobility, data center, Internet of Things (IoT), video, analytics, and software solutions. 


Corning is one of the world's leading innovators in materials science, with a 170-year track record of life-changing inventions. Corning applies its unparalleled expertise in glass science, ceramics science, and optical physics, along with its deep manufacturing and engineering capabilities, to develop category-defining products that transform industries and enhance people's lives. Corning succeeds through sustained investment in RD&E, a unique combination of material and process innovation, and deep, trust-based relationships with customers who are global leaders in their industries.


Discover is a leading digital bank and global payments network driven by advanced analytics and technology to meet the needs of its customers, merchants, and partners around the globe. Discover aims to accelerate quantum information science applications in financial services – including advancements in anomaly detection, analytical modeling, and data security – and to develop and support scientific and engineering talent in the quantum field.


Duality, the first accelerator program in the nation exclusively dedicated to supporting quantum startups, is led by the UChicago's Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and the CQE, along with founding partners the UIUC, Argonne National Laboratory, and P33. Cohort 3, which began its 12-month program in July 2023, includes: Icarus QuantumIngeniiKi3 Photonics, and reOrbital. Read about Cohort 1 and Cohort 2.


D-Wave Quantum Inc.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. is a leading provider of quantum computing systems, software, and services, and the only company building both annealing and gate model quantum computers. With the world’s largest annealing quantum computer, with over 5,000 qubits, and a suite of tools and professional services, D-Wave delivers measurable ROI on complex optimization problems spanning various industries, such as logistics, manufacturing, retail, financial services, life sciences, government, public sector and research.


EeroQ aims to build a large-scale commercial quantum computer using electrons trapped on the surface of superfluid helium. This technology has the potential for an ideal qubit, with exceptionally long coherence times, CMOS compatibility, and fast gates—key advantages in quantum computer design. EeroQ’s team is led by professors from and Michigan State University and Princeton University, as well as famed multidisciplinary executive Faye Wattleton. 

Great Lakes Crystal Technologies

Great Lakes Crystal Technologies (GLCT) launched in 2019 to become the leading domestic manufacturer of high-performance diamond for high-tech applications in quantum technology, electronics, optics, and high-energy particle detection. GLCT’s technical advantage derives from patented technology developed over 25 years at Michigan State University. GLCT’s R&D facility is fully operational; its prototype manufacturing line is under construction; and it is planning to create an advanced diamond materials and applications center in the Midwest to supply high-performance diamond to US Government agencies, universities, and the commercial sector while creating hundreds of high-tech jobs in materials manufacturing & applications in the Midwest.

HRL Laboratories

HRL Laboratories is a research and development laboratory that specializes in advancing ultra-high-performance circuitry, robust computing and communications, automated data extraction, and innovative architected materials. HRL’s quantum efforts include investigating spin-based semiconductor qubits as well as interfaces between qubits and photons.


Built on ColdQuanta’s 15 years of pioneering quantum research, the umbrella brand Infleqtion is building an ecosystem of quantum technologies and commercial products for today, driving us – and the entire industry – toward tomorrow. Infleqtion encompasses ColdQuanta, a leader in applying quantum atomic technology that partnered with CQE member institution University of Wisconsin-Madison to apply cold atom technology to quantum computing, and, a quantum computing software company originally part of the Duality Accelerator's inaugural cohort, until it was acquired by Infleqtion in 2022. 

JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase is a leader in the field of quantum algorithms and applications for financial use cases, such as portfolio optimization, option pricing and reinforcement learning, as well as general foundational algorithms with cross-domain applicability, such as quantum search. The firm has made a significant investment in quantum computing, collaborating with multiple quantum providers and forums. Its research team is also actively working in the area of post-quantum cryptography.

Lake Shore Cryotronics

Lake Shore Cryotronics provides high-performance cryogenic temperature instruments and sensors with calibrations down to 5 mK; low-vibration cryostats for ultra-high vacuum environments; cryogenic wafer probe stations; and complete materials characterization solutions for exploring and developing next-generation quantum materials.


memQ uses cross-cutting core capabilities in materials and integrated photonics to enable quantum technologies. A primary focus is the development of on-chip hardware for quantum networking applications. For qubits, their technology uses erbium atoms integrated via doped thin films on a scalable platform; they are also compatible with the existing fiber optic communication infrastructure—meaning quantum data can travel on the same infrastructure as our regular data. 


Microsoft has driven advances in scalable quantum technology for nearly two decades. Their global team of physicists, computer and materials scientists, engineers, developers, and enthusiasts are collaborating with a broad community to advance a full-stack quantum computing system, develop practical solutions, enable a quantum community, and accelerate quantum workforce development


Protiviti is a global consulting firm that bridges the gap between quantum research and practical business application by preparing organizations to harness the power of quantum computing. Its technology and business consultants help businesses identify real-world examples of how they might use quantum computing and understand its value to the organization and recognize and mitigate potential risks.


Powered by breakthroughs in silicon photonics and fault-tolerant quantum architecture, PsiQuantum is building the first utility-scale quantum computer to solve some of the world’s most important challenges. PsiQuantum’s approach is based on photonic qubits, which have significant advantages at the scale required to deliver a fault-tolerant, general-purpose quantum computer. With quantum chips now being manufactured in a world-leading semiconductor fab, PsiQuantum is uniquely positioned to deliver quantum capabilities that will drive advances in climate, healthcare, finance, energy, agriculture, transportation, communications, and beyond.


qBraid is the cloud platform for quantum software development. It provides the easiest and most streamlined access to not only quantum software but quantum hardware as well. It is a platform that allows software developers to learn, build and deploy quantum software applications. With proven usage at the world’s top hackathons at QuantX, MIT, Stanford x Yale, and NYUAD, qBraid’s users can easily get started on quantum computing and dive deep into complex algorithms related to financial optimization, quantum machine learning, and more – all in one platform. qBraid’s users and clients come from various industry sectors like aerospace, finance, pharmaceutical, and many more. 


QuantCAD will help you solve the problem of noise while your device is still in the design stage. Our CAD software, which is focused on the simulation of noise on a microscopic scale, provides quantitatively accurate calculations and simulations of nanoscale quantum-coherent phenomena for both optoelectronic devices and quantum sensors in real-world environments. Elevate your device performance - get the information you need without the noise.


Quantinuum is the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company, formed by the combination of Honeywell Quantum Solutions’ world leading hardware and Cambridge Quantum’s class leading middleware and applications. Quantinuum accelerates quantum computing and the development of applications across chemistry, cybersecurity, finance, and optimization. Quantinuum’s focus is to create scalable and commercial quantum solutions to solve the world’s most pressing problems, in fields such as energy, logistics, climate change, and health. 


Quantopticon is a British-American software start-up developing an automated simulation platform for the design and optimization of quantum-photonic components, systems and devices. Quantopticon was founded in 2017 by Dr Gaby Slavcheva, a renowned international leader in the theory and modelling of light-matter interactions in quantum nanostructures, and Dr Mirella Koleva, an optics and photonics scientist and entrepreneur. The overarching goal at Quantopticon is to accelerate the design cycle of quantum-photonic devices, maximize their performance, and unlock the path to large-volume manufacturing.

Quantum Corridor partner logo

Quantum Corridor

Quantum Corridor Inc. is a cutting-edge coherent optical network technology company that speeds business adoption of quantum computing, sensing, and communications discoveries, enabling a Midwest ecosystem of public and private partnerships, world-class companies, researchers and investors.

Quantum Design

Quantum Design manufactures automated characterization systems that allow research and exploration of new materials and devices. Quantum Design supports research and advanced teaching at the CQE, launching a new student laboratory for quantum measurements and the study of quantum materials.

Quantum Machines

Quantum Machines is the creator of a first-of-its-kind complete hardware and software solution for the control and operation of quantum computers. Its standardized platforms lay the groundwork for tackling some of the largest hurdles facing quantum computing, such as complex multi-qubit calibrations, quantum-error-correction, and scaling up to many hundreds of qubits.

Quantum Opus

Quantum Opus develops novel products and services to enable researchers to make single-photon measurements with unmatched sensitivity, speed and precision. Quantum Opus will support the CQE community through a student internship program and research exchange.



Qubitekk develops and manufactures a variety of key components for quantum networks. Qubitekk provides entangled photon sources in its support for researchers across the CQE working on the Argonne quantum loop.

QuEra Computing

QuEra Computing Inc. was established to build the world’s most powerful quantum computers to answer currently impossible problems. We build the full stack, co-developing hardware, software, and algorithms to enable the highest degree of achievable useful quantum advantage. Our hardware is based on patented research from Harvard and MIT, using highly scalable, programmable neutral atom arrays as an industry leading computational platform, with which we aim to tackle critical but classically intractable problems for commercial applications.


Rigetti Computing is building the world’s most powerful computers to help solve humanity’s greatest problems. Rigetti leverages today’s existing high-power processors and the advanced computational power of quantum chips to accelerate deployment of quantum computing in the near term.


SandboxAQ is an enterprise B2B software as a service (SaaS) company, providing solutions at the nexus of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technology (AQ) to address some of the world's greatest challenges. The company's core team and inspiration formed at Alphabet Inc., emerging as an independent, growth capital-backed company in 2022. SandboxAQ is backed by T. Rowe Price, Eric Schmidt (chairman of SandboxAQ), Breyer Capital, Guggenheim Partners, Marc Benioff, Thomas Tull, Paladin Capital Group, and other leading investors.

TOPTICA Photonics

TOPTICA Photonics develops and manufactures high-end laser systems for scientific and industrial applications. The company collaborates with the CQE on research and education and outreach opportunities.


Toshiba, a world leading cyber-physical-system technology company, is developing a global platform for quantum information technology based on decades of scientific research on quantum physics. The company will collaborate with CQE and its members to secure their quantum internet communications systems using Toshiba’s industry leading Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) platform.


Xanadu is a quantum computing company with the mission to build quantum computers that are useful and available to people everywhere. Founded in 2016, Xanadu has become one of the world's leading quantum hardware and software companies. The company also leads the development of PennyLane, an open-source software library for quantum computing and application development. 

Zurich Instruments

Zurich Instruments develops advanced instrumentation, including quantum control systems that enable reliable control and measurement of superconducting qubits and silicon spin qubits. The company collaborates with the CQE on student opportunities and research.