In 2025, join K-12 educators across Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana in a month-long opportunity to engage students of all ages in the rapidly expanding universe of quantum information science and engineering.
The Chicago Quantum Exchange, partnering with the National Q-12 Education Partnership, will be celebrating QuanTime and the International Year of Quantum, as well as offering resources for teachers to introduce and engage their students with quantum activities.
- Sign up to receive free Wonders of Quantum Physics Activity Kits to host a hands-on classroom activities designed to introduce quantum physics to students of all-ages. Available kits include:
- Art & Polarization (grades K-5)
- Quantum Secret Sharing (grades 5-8)
- Electron Transitions (grades 5-12)
- Wave-particle Duality (grades 7-12)
- Learn more about QuanTime, a program focused on engaging K-12 learners. They provide classroom activities and demo kits that educators can introduce.
- Browse QuanTime kits and activities.
- Share with students the Quantum Quickstart opportunity, a one-week accelerated summer program for high school students in Illinois that teaches participants about quantum science and mechanics at UChicago’s Pritzker School for Molecular Engineering.
- Dig into videos and online training programs hosted by Chicago Quantum Exchange industry and educational partners, including the Quick Quantum an introductory video series sponsored by Boeing and produced by the Chicago Quantum Exchange.
- Sign up for TeachQuantum, a summer research experience for high school STEM educators in Chicago or Madison, where you will spend 6 weeks in a quantum laboratory at the University of Chicago or University of Wisconsin-Madison doing research and developing quantum-focused classroom activities.
- Sign up for Quantum Academy, which aims to bring quantum sciences to Chicago Public Schools. Quantum Academy provides research experiences for educators, curriculum development sessions, and host information sessions for student opportunities.
- Learn more about IQ-PARC (Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application, and its Relation to Culture), a collaboration between faculty and students from Purdue and Northwestern dedicated to advancing quantum education, outreach and workforce initiatives. They provide learning opportunities for youth and students to understand quantum concepts and applications through in-person and online activities.
- Learn more about IPaSS (Illinois Physics and Secondary Schools Partnership Program), a program which utilizes content from the University of Illinois to advance high school physics classrooms. IPaSS works closely with teachers to implement university-level materials, research-based lab activities, and they foster a community of teachers with professional development opportunities.
- Bring LabEscape, the world’s first science-based escape room, to your school! Students explore the promise of quantum technologies—no prior knowledge needed—while completing a thrilling mission. LabEscape now offers 1-3-day in-school events for 50-100 students/day. For more information, email