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Education and Training

Quantum Professional Education Program

The rapidly emerging field of quantum engineering has the power to transform cybersecurity, materials development, computing, and other research areas, but jobs within the field require specific knowledge of quantum science and engineering and their potential applications.

Companies in the communications, electronics, optics, and materials industries need to quickly and effectively build a quantum-ready workforce, and not just through recent graduates. Many professionals have fundamental knowledge that makes them prime candidates for careers in quantum engineering and technology with only limited retraining.

Eight-Week Online Quantum Science, Networking, and Communications Course

The Course in Quantum Science, Networking, and Communications aims to equip scientists and engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to apply quantum science in a professional setting. The online, eight-week program includes introductions to quantum information processing and systems, a focus on quantum networks and communication, and technical demonstrations and simulations. This course is ideal for early-career participants with less than ten years of professional experience and a bachelor’s degree in the sciences. Mid-career professionals seeking to transition into the quantum field will also benefit from the certificate, which is managed by the Chicago Quantum Exchange and developed in collaboration with the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute on Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks (HQAN)

To learn more about this course, please contact or learn more and register here.

Four-Day Intensive Quantum Engineering and Technology Course

The Course in Quantum Science and Engineering supports current professionals as they transition to quantum careers. Through a four-day, in-person intensive course, experienced professionals who are classically trained in physics, computer science, engineering, and other fields will learn the relevant fundamentals of quantum engineering and associated quantum technologies. This course is designed for individuals with 10 or more years of professional experience and a master's degree or higher is recommended. The course is managed by the Chicago Quantum Exchange with the University of Chicago Professional Education.

To learn more about this course, please contact or learn more.