Aaron Chou

I currently serve as Analysis Chair for the ADMX-G2 experiment, responsible for coordinating all science data analyses within the collaboration.  ADMX (Axion Dark Matter Experiment) is the first experiment to date to reach sensitivity to the dark matter axion -- a particle predicted by the Peccei-Quinn model to simultaneously explain the apparent vanishing of the neutron electric dipole moment and explain the composition of cosmologically-produced dark matter.  ADMX is essentially the world's lowest noise radio, able to see radiofrequency signal power as low as 10-23 W.  It uses a microwave cavity as a high quality factor, tunable antenna and reads out the tiny signals using quantum-limited amplifiers.  Over the next couple of years, ADMX will slowly tune the radio from 600 MHz - 2 GHz (corresponding to 2.4 - 8 micro-eV axion mass) to search for the broadcast frequency of the galactic dark matter.