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Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana Quantum Ecosystem

The Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana quantum ecosystem is a globally recognized hub that is a central driver of US leadership in the emerging field. Learn more about the companies, learning institutions, and research facilities that power this region.

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IL-WI-IN quantum companies, facilities, and more

Quantum Companies Growing in the Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana Region

The Illinois-Wisconsin-Indiana region’s quantum infrastructure, talent base, and startup community is driving the future of quantum information science and engineering. Local, national, and global quantum companies are invited to participate in this quantum technology ecosystem.

Facilities in the region

The Chicago Quantum Exchange institutions have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that will help advance quantum information science and catalyze new technologies.

Startup Opportunities

 The Midwest has seen tremendous quantum investment in recent years, and a variety of supports exist for quantum startup companies.

Latest news about Midwest quantum companies

All news about Midwest quantum companies