When: Monday, July 31, 2023 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Where: ERC 161 & Atrium, 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
Description: Join the second cohort of Open Quantum Initiative fellows as they present summaries of their summer quantum information science and engineering research. The symposium will include presentations from past OQI fellows and from leaders across academia, government, and industry. CQE members and partners are invited to attend, meet the fellows, and share opportunities for the following summer. Learn more about the Open Quantum Initiative Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Time | |
10:00 – 10:15 am |
Welcome and OQI Fellow Introduction David Awschalom, Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering, UChicago; Senior Scientist, Argonne; Director, Chicago Quantum Exchange |
10:15 – 11:45 am |
Fellow Research Presentations: Session 1 (More information below) Atlas Bailly (Argonne); Gabriel Gaeta (Argonne); Rachelle Rosiles (Argonne); Jonathan Andrade Plascencia (Fermilab); Santiago Lopez (Fermilab); and Manny Hernandez (Fermilab) |
11:45 – 12:45 pm | Lunch Break |
12:45 – 2:15 pm |
Fellow Research Presentations: Session 2 (More information below) Rain Wang (Argonne); Erin Diran-Ojo (UW-Madison); Jade Kaminska (UW-Madison); Natasha Ninan (UW-Madison); Manuel Gomez (OSU); and Matthew Lu (OSU) |
2:15 – 2:30 pm | Break |
2:30 – 3:00 pm |
Career Panel
3:00 – 4:30 pm |
Fellow Research Presentations: Session 3 (More information below) Kenneth Muhammad (UIUC); Shlesha Patel (UIUC); Selvin Tobar (UIUC); Anais El Akkad (UIUC); Peter Mugaba Noertoft (UChicago); and Perla Bran (UChicago) |
4:30 – 5:30 pm |
CQE Welcome Reception and Poster Presentation for the CQE Member and Partner Workshop on August 1, 2023 |
Meet the fellows:

Atlas Bailly
Home Institution: Cornell University
Major: Physics and Mathematics
OQI Institution: Argonne National Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Paul Kairys
Research Topic: Quantum control and dynamics of nitrogen-vacancy electron spins

Gabriel Gaeta
Home Institution: San Jose State University
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: Argonne National Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Jiefei Zhang
Research Topic: Optical study of ion-ion interactions of rare-earth ions in oxide hosts for quantum memory applications

Rachelle Rosiles
Home Institution: Illinois Institute of Technology
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: Argonne National Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Nazar Delegan
Research Topic: Investigation and quantum sensing of diamond surfaces and dark reporter spins using NV- in delta-doped diamond

Jonathan Andrade Plascencia
Home Institution: Cornell University
Major: Chemistry, Physics
OQI Institution: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Gabe Perdue
Research Topic: Studying quantum error correction (QEC) algorithms on a low-latency cryogenic electronics module for the readout and control of qubits

Santiago Lopez
Home Institution: Purdue University
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Gabe Perdue
Research Topic: Running quantum error correction (QEC) algorithms on a low-latency cryogenic electronics module for the readout and control of qubits

Manny Hernandez
Home Institution: University of California Los Angeles
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Andy Li
Research Topic: The impact of errors on variational quantum algorithms

Rain Wang
Home Institution: Harvard University
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: Argonne National Laboratory
Faculty Mentor: Joe Heremans
Research Topic: Exploring quantum communication protocols under real-world conditions

Erin Diran-Ojo
Home Institution: University of Michigan
Major: Electrical Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Wisconsin–Madison
Faculty Mentor: Jen Choy
Research Topic: Imaging and spectroscopy of color centers in diamond for quantum sensing and communication

Jade Kaminska
Home Institution: Illinois Wesleyan University
Major: Mathematics, Economics
OQI Institution: University of Wisconsin–Madison
Faculty Mentor: Maxim Vavilovvavilov
Research Topic: Superconducting resonators with voltage-controlled frequency and nonlinearity

Natasha Ninan
Home Institution: University of Akron
Major: Electrical Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Wisconsin–Madison
Faculty Mentor: Mikhail Kats
Research Topic: Electromagnetic simulations, and the design and optimization of optical structures for interfacing with quantum systems

Manuel Gomez
Home Institution: Arizona State University
Major: Electrical Engineering
OQI Institution: Ohio State University
Faculty Mentor: Ronald M. Reano
Research Topic: Chip-scale quantum integrated optics and photonics

Matthew Lu
Home Institution: Vanderbilt University
Major: Physics; Mathematics
OQI Institution: Ohio State University
Faculty Mentor: Roland Kawakami
Research Topic: Optical studies of magnetism in quantum materials including 2D magnets and twisted 2D semiconductors

Peter Mugaba Noertoft
Home Institution: Stanford University
Major: Electrical Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Chicago
Faculty Mentor: David Awschalom
Research Topic: Room temperature NV magnetometer for diamond growth characterization

Kenneth Muhammad
Home Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Major: Electrical Science and Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Faculty Mentor: Paul Kwiat
Research Topic: Integrated optics for time-bin encoding and improved detector performance

Shlesha Patel
Home Institution: Wilbur Wright College
Major: Mechanical Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Faculty Mentor: Peter Abbamonte
Research Topic: Measure the noise characteristics and quantum efficiency of a charged particle detector

Selvin Tobar
Home Institution: Wilbur Wright College
Major: Chemical Engineering
OQI Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Shoemaker
Research Topic: Synthesis of rare-earth-based quantum information storage materials

Anais El Akkad
Home Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
Major: Physics
OQI Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Goldschmidt
Research Topic: Simulating superradiance in a rare-earth crystal

Perla Bran
Home Institution: Wilbur Wright College
Major: Chemical Engineer
OQI Institution: University of Chicago
Faculty Mentor: Peter Duda
Research Topic: Coming soon
Learn more about the Open Quantum Initiative Undergraduate Fellowship.