CQE Corporate Partner Spotlight: QuEra

Q&A with Yuval Boger, QuEra’s Chief Marketing Officer

The CQE is kicking off a new series highlighting its corporate partners. Each month, we will feature a short Q&A with a different company as they discuss their vision, the CQE community, and more.  Today, we offer an interview with QuEra Computing. QuEra is also a member of the US EDA-designated Bloch Quantum Tech Hub, a CQE-led coalition that develops quantum technology solutions for society’s most pressing problems by accelerating industry adoption to drive research commercialization.


Q: What is your vision for the future of quantum technologies­ and how QuEra will contribute? 

A: We envision a future where large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers are integrated with classical resources in the data center. This combination allows delivering on the great promise of quantum computers. QuEra aims to be the leading provider of these machines. Neutral atoms have catapulted to a position of being the leading modality to deliver large-scale fault-tolerance, and QuEra is a leading neutral atom vendor.

Q: When recruiting new quantum talent, what are the top skills or qualities you seek?

A: We have many open positions including in our science, business, and production teams. We first and foremost look for the right attitude. Skills can be taught, attitude cannot.

Q: How are you engaging with the CQE community and the Chicagoland quantum ecosystem?

A: We are participating in as many educational and collaboration events as we can. We partner with CQE members on joint grant opportunities and have engaged some for direct 1:1 partnerships.

Q: What is your company’s proudest moment to date?

A: On November 1, 2022, our 256-qubit quantum computer went live on Amazon Braket. It was the first, and to this day remains the only, neutral-atom computer that is publicly accessible. This achievement required a complete team effort over extended periods of time, and we are very proud of that moment.

Q: What’s one fun fact you’d like the public to know about your company or your team?

 A: Each year we hold an annual hockey game at the American Physical Society meeting.

Learn more about QuEra on their website